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In an era where data-driven insights drive decision-making, the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) stands at the forefront of economic research with its groundbreaking reports. The Pollack Group (TPG) was entrusted with the significant task of amplifying the impact of these reports, including the flagship 2023 Official U.S. Latino GDP Report, which redefines the understanding of the Latino community’s role in the U.S. economy.

Showcasing LDC’s Groundbreaking Research

LDC’s reports represent the most researched and impactful analyses of the Latino cohort’s contribution to the U.S. economy. The series explores U.S. Latino representation and impact in media, engineering, technology, and journalism. They include quantitative data, but also qualitative insights that reveal the multifaceted influence of U.S. Latinos. TPG’s mission was to craft and propagate a narrative underscoring the depth and breadth of these reports.

Strategic Media Engagement and Coverage

Our strategy was to position LDC’s suite of reports as critical resources for comprehensive insights into the U.S. Latino cohort’s economic influence. The approach was strategic and meticulous; we tailored our media outreach to each report and emphasized how they offer an unprecedented look at shifting demographics, regional population growth, and workforce participation.

The campaign achieved remarkable media traction:

  • Over 1.4 billion impressions is evidence of the compelling findings across all reports.
  • High-profile coverage in Axios, Bloomberg, and the Los Angeles Times spotlighted the Latino community as an economic dynamo.
  • Extensive syndication fueled national economic conversations.

Redefining Economic Narratives

The media coverage underscored these reports as foundational for business leaders, policymakers, and academics.

By highlighting LDC’s comprehensive research, we helped bring light to an undeniable reality: the U.S. Latino population is a formidable force, driving the nation’s economic future with unmatched potential.