Interesting Reads. Industry news that you may have missed.
Zero Party Data: The New Marketing Frontline for Luxury- Vogue Business
The reign of third-party cookies is coming to a close. With rising demand for greater transparency and a focus on fostering brand loyalty, zero-party marketing strategies are surfacing. Zero-party data is information customers provide to brands – for instance, bra maker ThirdLove quizzes clients to identify garment needs and then provides a recommendation. However, preventing data collection from feeling interrogative is key.

Who Are Connected Consumers and How Can You Engage and Delight Them- AdWeek
According to Nielsen, in February 2021 the number of U.S. households with internet-enabled connected TV devices reached 77%, representing 4% growth from the previous year. If you’re an advertiser looking to reach this growing audience in relevant and impactful ways that elevate your brand’s message, it’s important to develop a deeper understanding of this audience.
How PepsiCo is Harnessing Data to Help Retailers Increase Sale- Marketing Dive
The food and beverage giant’s Pepviz platform uses analytics, data science, and other tools to ensure a store is carrying the right product mix and optimizing shelf space. As the pandemic accelerates changes in how people shop and what they consume, PepsiCo is harnessing data to help retailers boost sales while increasing demand for its own portfolio of beverages and snacks.

How Media Buyers are Reacting to Facebook’s Drama: “Spread Your Risks and Ad Dollars-The Drum
What a week already for Facebook. Its nearly six-hour outage of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp on Monday cost the company an estimated $79m in lost ad dollars. The blackout came on the tails of stinging accusations by whistleblower Frances Haugen on 60 Minutes and mere weeks after a Wall Street Journal story alleged that insider documents suggest Facebook knows about the negative effects of its platforms on mental health.