
A VIP Experience For Blockbuster Weekends


Featured in MediaPost, Entertainment Weekly, Adweek, and more

When Moviebill launched the first ever entertainment magazine for movie goers to coincide with the summer blockbuster season, it sought out the agency to get the word out as to the uniqueness of the experience. The magazine afforded movie goers with exclusive content for the film they were seeing and included Augmented Reality features so that moviegoers could bring the content to life with their smartphones. Piggybacking on the timing of the launch, the agency set out to capture the attention of three industry media sectors: entertainment, business, and advertising.

Media outlets such as MediaPost, Entertainment Weekly, and Adweek covered the story from several angles and helped propel enthusiasm. When Moviebill kicked off with Avengers: Infinity War and then Jurassic World, it delivered 1 million copies to moviegoers at Regal Theaters, making it one of the highest circulated entertainment magazines in the country and marking the largest theatrical handout ever.


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