Rain Bird

A Corporate Rebranding and Repositioning


Created the iconic platform, “The Intelligent Use of Water

IUOW has spun off film competitions, white papers, global summits, and more

Secured partnership for the brand’s entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade

“I would like add to my congratulations to everyone. Thank you very much for your hard work!”

Brand Marketing, Rain Bird

Before the global water scarcity and drought crisis reached its present fever pitch, the 75-year-old irrigation manufacturer understood that it faced a potential environmental crisis perception — simply for being an irrigation company, which carried an implication of wasting water.

The agency positioned the company as a thought leader in water conservation as it relates to the lawn and garden industry, and created a new campaign coined “The Intelligent Use of Water.” We developed a roadmap for a sustainable, multi-pronged program with multiple touch points that included industry white papers, bi-annual Intelligent Use of Water global summits, film competitions, awards programs, partnerships, grade school curriculums, Tournament of Roses Parade participation and more.

Its position as an industry leader in landscape water conservation insights, was solidified.

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