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By Noemi Pollack

Our agency opened its doors on March 25th 1985. It’s been exactly three decades..

So I say, “Hello 30th.” It’s our day…

I think of that day back in ’85 with bewilderment as to how it was possible to open up a new business with two credit cards, one Mac, no email, no cell phones and one client with billing not sufficient in revenue to sustain the agency for one month.  Back then we opened as Pollack and Setzer, Setzer being Paul Setzer, who stayed for a year and a half, at which time we became The Pollack PR Marketing Group.

Here are some fun factoids that took placed during our first 30 years…

OK, the above is two years older than we are, but I could not resist, ‘cause the change occurred within our time span…

We have come a long way in our thirty years.  Take a look…

What sustained us was optimism and confidence that our concept of never wavering from senior-level involvement on a day-to-day basis with each client, would prove to be the “great differentiator.” But I am sure that along the thirty years, there were a lot more differentiating concepts that have led to the reputation we enjoy today and the respect we have garnered from our colleagues and that has contributed to our longevity in the business.

Probably most of all – determination, combined with a high level of curiosity and a resolute stance to stay on the current edge of whatever was lurking around the corner that would impact change.

We are privileged to have been a witness over our 30 years to some of the most accelerated changes in our industry – ones that have impacted the PR consciousness and subsequently changed the ‘way it was’ forward.

And it will continue to change… maybe in a less accelerated way, but still, it will be about crafting the customer experience for people “not necessarily like you, (the brand) ” – people who are generational, culturally and geographically different, in order to stand out in a “sea of sameness,” in order to foster long-term loyalty and brand preference.

It will be about getting into a customer’s head and creating programs that successfully use content to define a company, content that resonates with the customer and finding ways to give a company or brand, meaning that connects him/her with the brand in some emotional way. It will be about having your customer “liking” the experience of using your brand or service.

If you wish to add to our factoids, those not on our list, the ones that took place since 1985, please do so via: Twitter @PollackPRMktg with a #30PPMGPR hashtag, comment on the blog, or email to info@pollackgroup.com.