Boucher, Pearson, Simon & Warshaw

Seeking Support for a Class Action Lawsuit


Developed and launched all website and digital marketing materials

Shot and produced a commercial

Mentioned on The Larry King Show, The Today Show, and more

“I’m in the service business as well, and I know that anyone can be a number; anyone can be a client. However, with The Pollack Group, I feel they dive in and understand our project’s sensitivities and goals. There’s a relationship that has developed between my team and The Pollack Group, which enables everyone to work more efficiently. They really understand what I want. Putting ads on the internet is something that anyone can do, but understanding entire projects and making entire packages are things that they understand and implement at a very high level. They do a stellar job.”

Partner, PWFirm

With the passing of the California Assembly Bill 218 in October 2019, the filing deadline for lawsuits pertaining to the victims of childhood sexual abuse was extended an additional three years (however, the statute of limitations for the case of sexual abuse is still for the full lifetime of the victim).

Pearson, Simon, and Warshaw LLP partnered with Boucher LLP to seek out childhood sex abuse victims in order to investigate claims against individuals and institutions within the Catholic Church, religious institutions, school districts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Hollywood, and the entertainment industry. To assist these firms in finding victims within the state of California, the agency developed and launched a full, multi-tiered lead generation campaign.

The Pollack Group began the campaign by developing and launching a website for victims to learn about California Assembly Bill 218, as well as the law firms’ partners who will be representing them, and what the contact points are for users to email or call for more information. Additionally, over 1,000 profile pages of abusers with their published information from court documents were created for the website. The agency also produced a commercial shoot with Raymond Boucher explaining the Bill and how the class-action lawsuit settlement against the Catholic Church in California will help victims. Finally, a 12-month online ad campaign was created, which managed to seek out leads of victims through Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, including geotargeting the cities outlined in the Catholic Church settlement case.

The campaign successfully added clients to the law firm’s class-action lawsuit, keeping the clients’ security and confidentiality intact.

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