In The Red The Mocking Of BP – Irresistible. The British should be familiar with parodies. After all they invented the form… BP is…The Pollack GroupMay 27, 2010
In The Red How Not To Market on Facebook 1. Mass Emails: I currently have approximately seventy-three messages waiting for me on my page.…The Pollack GroupMay 25, 2010
In The Red QR: Bar Code For The Masses “QR,” as “Quick Response” technology is referred to, has been around in Japan ever since…The Pollack GroupMay 24, 2010
In The Red Terrifying Thriller: No Social Media Oversight (Video) The next video by The Pollack PR Marketing Group as part of our monthly 25th…The Pollack GroupApril 25, 2010
In The Red Living Naked I remember watching a documentary on nudists when I was of an age that I…The Pollack GroupApril 25, 2010
In The Red Augmented Reality Marketing: Bringing Online Marketing Offline The curious power of modern computer technology has allowed us to view the world around…The Pollack GroupApril 6, 2010
In The Red Greenpeace Takes On Food Giant Nestlé Almost a year ago, on April 17 of ’09, in my blog titled, Bringing Brands…The Pollack GroupApril 1, 2010
In The Red Does The Wall Street Journal iPad App Cost Too Much? Here’s a Formula To Find Out It was unofficially announced that the cost for subscription to The Wall Street Journal on…The Pollack GroupMarch 29, 2010
In The Red Video: 25 PR Defining Moments since 1985 25 PR Defining Moments since 1985The Pollack GroupMarch 25, 2010
In The Red 2 Letters Make All the Difference I’m sitting in a restaurant in Cincinnati last night, surrounded by televisions with the sound…The Pollack GroupMarch 25, 2010